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Your Combe Community Hub

Improvements to Combe Hub

October 2021

The main building work to improve the Hub facilities was completed over summer 2020; with many thanks to our builders Hooper Bros Ltd. of Witney. 
This year we have replaced the flooring in the main room and the windows in the 'quiet' room of the Pre-School, which means that the building is now fully double-glazed. Work on replacing the guttering is due to take place shortly. Further work includes built-in cupboards and acoustic dampening to the main room

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COVID-19 Update

October 2021

Combe Hub is now taking bookings for activities and events under 'Covid-19 secure', controlled conditions. Please discuss any possible bookings with the Lettings Officer Sally Purssell, 898348, so that guidance can be given. For activities that will take place in the main Hub room, this room now has its own entrance, separate (disabled) toilet and kitchenette area for use when Pre-School is in operation.

Please also make sure that people do not attend any activities if they:

  • have recently tested positive for Covid-19

  • believe they may be infected with Covid-19

  • have experienced any symptoms in the last 14 days

  • have been in close proximity with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19

  • have been instructed to self-isolate

Safe Workout

Improvements to Combe Hub

July 2020

We are pleased to report that the building work to improve the Hub facilities has begun, with thanks to our builders Hooper Bros Ltd., and will be completed in time for Combe Pre-School to reopen on 7th September.

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Main Room Decorated!

October 2018

A group of volunteers from the Hub and Pre-School spent two weekends decorating the Hub Main Room. The space is now refreshed and ready for bookings.


From Idea to Reality: The Evolution of Combe Community Hub

9th June 2017

In 2015 the Combe Methodist Chapel was listed as an Asset of Community Value and a group of individuals from the village came together with the aim of acquiring it for the community and in doing so to secure the future of the Combe Pre-School which had used the Chapel for almost 50 years.  

In May 2017, after almost two years of fundraising, and with massive support from the village, Combe Community Hub took ownership of the Chapel. The aim of Combe Community Hub is to offer a large, flexible space for a wide range of activities including art, music, drama and cinema clubs, workshops, courses, and talks, etc.


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